

We are hearing from journalists and other media workers that battery chargers will be helpful in their work in Kathmandu and beyond due to erratic access to electricity. Through the generosity of friends, we’ve been able to secure 20 battery packs that we will be distributing very soon in the hope that they will make work easier for Nepali journalists.

The desire for the packs have been very vocal and people in the field have encouraged us to do more. We are aiming to purchase a total of 250 units. After bargaining, the basic unit of 10,000 mAh cost us INR. 1,000, or roughly $16. We are considering solar-powered units that will likely cost more; and while we may include some solar units, the advice of active workers is that the regular variety will be more useful at the moment.

We see this as a way of media workers helping fellow media workers in Nepal. So if you work in the field of media, this is a special plea for you. It is a small gesture of support, but a concrete way of helping journalists get about their work.

You can send cash directly to Diwas’s paypal account via his email [email protected]. We are also looking into other ways to receive cash.

Our goal is limited, and once it is met we will no longer require further funds. So please inform us before you donate by contacting[email protected] or [email protected]. Both of us are also on Facebook.

We do not consider this an emergency or relief effort! And this should not substitute any giving you plan for Nepal’s recovery!

Please spread the word. Feel free to share this post.

In Solidarity,

Diwas Raja Kc & Alston D’Silva