modiselfiePoem – Selfie with CEOs – Identify me?


Rohit Prajapati & Trupti Shah



I am always looking in the camera.

I am always looking in the mirror.

I am always checking out my “image”.


And my ‘image’ said to me:

I am the ‘Wisest Person’ in my country.

I cajole, persuade, threaten, beg, sweet-talk and seek investments.

I believe that only an investor can decide the laws and policies of the country.


And that is why

I hold a bearer cheque for investors & CEOs to fill up the blanks in the industrial, environmental, labour and economy policies.

I consider the CEO forum as the real Parliament.

I meet CEOs more frequently than I meet the elected Parliamentarians.

I prefer multitude of Selfies with CEOs to others.


I do have my ‘Cabinet’ but all the ministers are locked in my ‘Cabinet’ and the key is with me.

I always move alone as my all the cabinet ministers are locked in my ‘Cabinet’.

I begin my day with investment and end with investment.

I begin my day with CEOs and end with CEOs.

I have double ‘speak’ one is for ‘public speech’ and the other is for ‘actual implementation’.

I order, advice, task my cabinet, the Parliament, the Party and the People.

On what to do, how to do, where to do, why to do, when to do.

And I quietly take orders, advice and tasks from the CEOs.

On what to do, how to do, where to do, why to do, when to do.


I have “Fantastic” policies and I want the investors, my cabinet, Parliament and the people to live in ‘Fantasy’.

I lecture about Peace, Climate Change, Justice and Sustainable Development abroad.

But back home,

I allow none to utter a word on these subjects

I allow none to speak, think for Peace, Climate Change, Justice and Sustainable Development.


I consider contamination of ground water & food, occupational health problems and pollution are the collateral, integral and essential elements of ‘My Development Model’ (MDM).


I want people to live in my ‘Fantasy-World’.

I am NRPM (Non-Residential Prime Minister).