Woman Beaten to Death for Refusing to Give Men Her NumberSEXPAND

A woman was beaten to death by a group of men at a McDonald’s in Shangdong, China on Wednesday because she refused to give them her number. Six men have been arrested. According to reports, witnesses were either unable or unwilling to help.

Not much is known about the woman, who has been referred to only as Miss Wu, but the men who attacked and killed her are all allegedly members of Church of Almighty God, a group that believed that a global apocalypse would occur in 2012. The group has been banned by Chinese authorities.

The attack was caught by surveillance cameras and the footage was shown on television. Six of the group’s members (including four from one family) have been arrested and, according toDNA India, the incident has sparked a national outrage, with citizens angry at both the attackers and the onlookers. Some have lashed out on social media:

“If I stay quiet today, who will help me cry for help when I suffer from misfortunes in the future?,” asked one Weibo user. “If I don’t speak up as a passerby, then one day, if injustice should come upon me, no one would speak up for me as well.”

The Metro reports that the woman was asked for her number as part of the group’s religious recruitment efforts, but stories conflict. The Metro has also obtained screenshots of the attack and the article features some disturbing photos.

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